General things to know:

  1. Painting tattoos MUST be at least 6 Inches. Anything smaller is not guaranteed to last long, I will not work on something I cannot guarantee.

  2. Pricing will be based on half-day or Full-day, Half-day is $600 and full-day is $1,000.

  3. Heavy black work and more macabre themes are prioritized



  • Send an inquiry through the "Contact" tab on the Gabby Winchester website.

  • The Inquiry should clearly state What the subject matter of the tattoo should be, the Approximate size, approximate location, budget, and style preference (Heavy black work, Thin line work with light shading, only line work, etc)

  • If the website allows you to attach a reference photo, please attach a reference for the subject matter and style. (If the website is funky and does not allow pictures or only one, that's okay!)

  • I get a fairly high frequency of inquiries, and I answer them myself regularly. Please be patient with me.


  • It will take me AT MOST a week to respond. My response days are typically Mondays, Wednesdays, and Sundays.

  • If you don't receive a response in a week please let me know via DM on my Instagram or direct email.


  • Consults can be done virtually or in person and take approximately 10-30 minutes.

  • During the consultation, we will discuss your design, timing, budget, your preferences, etc.

  • If you are getting an illustrative tattoo that requires drawing, we will likely have a follow-up consult to review the sketch and get in the same direction.

  • If after 3 consults, we find ourselves still not on the same page I may recommend a different artist.


  • I take a $100 deposit for tattoos for 4 hours and under, and $200 for 5 hours and above.

  • Your deposit comes off the final price of the tattoo (Ex: if your tattoo is $600 and you left a $100 deposit, the total you pay the day of will be $500.)

  • This deposit holds your appointment, If you book a tattoo without one your appointment day is not guaranteed.

  • Deposits and scheduling are done through the shop. You will be asked to call the shop and to find the day that best suits you.

    Day of appointment

  • You will need an up-to-date valid form of ID otherwise we cannot get you in that day.

  • I book extra time with my clients so that we have plenty of time to go over the design and make edits.

  • If you find you are not happy with the design after an hour and a half I will suggest we turn that appointment into a consult so we get on the same page. We will reschedule the tattoo so I can fully draw out the new design with the edits and changes requested.

  • I try to get my clients into the tattoo room in 15 minutes but please be advised, my travel into work is 2 hours so sometimes I may run a little behind if a train or bus goes down. A warning message will be sent at least an hour before the appointment.

  • I provide snacks, water, and tea for my clients (working on getting good coffee soon!) you can request these at any time during the tattoo. IF YOU HAVE AN ALLERGY OR DIETARY RESTRICTION please bring your snacks just in case.

    During the tattoo

  • We can take as many breaks as you need (so long it does not affect an appointment after yours)

  • If the pain becomes more than you can manage or you have an emergency please let me know. I offer to split up the cost and appointment into 2 separate ones. It happens and don't be afraid to tap out, we've all been there!

  • If you would prefer a silent session please let me know, I'm more than happy to let you zone out and do whatever helps you be comfortable while getting tattooed.

  • I am typically open to talking but certain tattoos ( thin lines, complex detail, etc.) require my full attention so please do not be offended if it takes me a while to respond. I'm just zeroing in.

    After tattoo

  • You can request Saniderm, otherwise, I will opt for saran wrap.

  • I will go over aftercare as well as give you a pamphlet.

  • If there are any questions about aftercare or products please email me.

Macabre themes, dark work, and illustrative work will be prioritized.

Sometimes I cannot respond to everyone, so some projects will not be picked up. Lettering, single needed, color work will typically not be picked up. I do not specialize in these so I can only recommend someone who can do them better.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me or call the shop.
